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541.773.1444        101 N. Central Ave. Medford, Oregon 97501
MON-FRI: 10-6 | SAT: 10-5 | SUN: Closed


Award-winning artist and painter Carl Seyboldt returns to the classroom at Central Art, bringing his talent as well as decades of knowledge and experience to this all-new ongoing acrylic painting class.

In this class, Carl will guide students in building a painting from the ground up, thoughtfully working through each element in layers and pulling them together for a stunning end result!

For more information about this class, contact Carl at 541-826-2274

Read more about the instructor here


Surfaces & Surface Prep

- Ampersand 1/8" Gessobord 16x20"

Acrylic Paints
*Liquitex acrylic paints preferred

- Payne's Grey or Ivory Black
- Titanium White
- Cerulean Blue
- Quinacridone Magenta
- Cadmium Yellow


- Hooker's Green Hue Permanent
- Burnt Umber
- Burnt Sienna
- Raw Umber
- Yellow Ochre/Oxide


- 1.5" wash brush
- Princeton #8-10 Round, #1-2 Liner
- Small 20/0 Fan brush

Additional Supplies

- Sta-Wet Palette Painters Pal 9x12
- old painting shirt or smock
- old towel/paint rag
- water container (1 quart or larger)
- old toothbrush
Skill Details:
All Skill Levels
Instructor Name:
Carl Seyboldt
Instructor Bio:
About Carl:

"My father was in the Air Force so we traveled quite a bit, to Germany, Illinois, Washington, Alaska, California, and Mississippi. After I graduated from Lompoc High School in 1963, I worked at Vandenburg Air Force Base and then served a full time mission to France from the Mormon Church. When I returned, I went to Grossmont Junior College where I graduated in 1969 with a degree in technical illustration that led to my assignment as an illustrator while I served in the Army. After I was discharged, I went to the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles and graduated BFA in 1975. Since then, I have worked as an illustrator and instructor at the Oregon College of Arts at Rogue Community College.

"I really didn't get interested in painting until I went to the Art Center and then a new world opened up. Animals have always interested me, and I now incorporate them in my paintings. A covey of quail can be seen spooking a pack train, or a Chinese ringneck pheasant scaring the Concord Stage. Action in a painting is important, along with lighting and mood. Like most illustrators, I leave the climax up to the viewer."


$ 150.00
6 Sessions