PASTEL 101: Pans, Pencils & Sticks - with Lara Strazdas
Pastel 101: Pans, Pencils, & Sticks
Date: Saturday, February 3rd, 2024
Time: 1pm – 5pm
Where: Central Art Supply Classroom
Cost: $95.00/person
Instructor: Lara Strazdas
Direct Contact: 541.899.3297
In this 4-hour workshop we will explore the wonderful world of soft pastels. Soft pastels are a very versatile medium both physically and expressively. Whether you prefer the bold impressionistic look of traditional pastel painting or want to create hyper-realistic textures such as smooth shiny surfaces, highly textured fine details or softly blended skin tones, skies, or water, then soft pastels are a great medium for you. Soft pastels have also come a long way and there are forms that can be used by people with respiratory and skin sensitivities. There are also many more surfaces that soft pastels can work on, and the multimedia applications really add to pastel’s versatility and make them a great addition to any artist’s toolbox!
We will do exercises using PanPastels, pastel pencils and soft* and hard* pastel sticks on different papers to delve into the diversity of pastels and the range of textures and effects that can be achieved with pastel. (*If you have respiratory or skin sensitivities, you don’t have to use the soft or hard sticks).
All materials will be supplied, however, if you have soft pastels or specific papers/surfaces you want to use, please feel free to bring them with you.
PASTEL 101: Pans, Pencils & Sticks - with Lara Strazdas
Single Session