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541.773.1444        101 N. Central Ave. Medford, Oregon 97501
MON-FRI: 10-6 | SAT: 10-5 | SUN: Closed


Instructor: Cheryl Magellen
Dates: Mondays, ongoing sessions.
Time: 10am-1:00pm
Location: Central Art classroom
Max. Capacity: 10 students

Fee: $150

Registration required.

Read more about the instructor here



Cheryl Magellen is back at Central Art, teaching what she loves best—portraits and figures. Participants can choose from a variety of mediums, including pencil, charcoal, pastel, oil, acrylic or different forms of mixed media. Artwork can be done in any style—realistic, abstract, or something in between. Each month, a new concept will be introduced and each month builds on the previous month.




JULY: Realistic and Impressionistic Drawing Basics


  • Basic proportions of the head and figure

  • Features of the face

  • Working from photographs and life

  • Gestures and quick sketching

  • Expressive line and contour drawing with pencil or brush

  • Light logic and value studies to turn the form and create depth




AUGUST: Exploring Color & Design


  • Compositional styles for creating interest and mood

  • Color Mixing and Theory

  • Developing Creative Spark

  • Backgrounds

  • Using multiple figures and subjects

  • Developing a narrative in artwork




SEPTEMBER: Developing a Style


  • Brushwork


  • Mixed media

  • Color harmony

  • Combining abstraction with realism

  • How to loosen up

  • Working in a series




OCTOBER: Completing and Promoting Your Work


  • How to know when your work is done

  • What makes your work different

  • Creating art that is uniquely yours

  • Varnishing, framing, hanging and promoting

  • Where to show your work

  • Websites, artist statements and biographies




Each month is like 4 mini-workshops. Participants are encouraged to produce a series of no less than 6 completed paintings over the 4-month period. Artists from all skill levels are invited to attend.



In addition to supplies listed below - there is also a supply list at Central Art for drawing and painting materials by medium (depending on which one the student prefers to use for the class). 

Start collecting your photo references: For each image, bring two printouts--one in black and white and the other in color. Try to find images that have a strong, single light source coming from one or the other side.

Images for portrait drawing and/or painting should have a full range of values from dark to light. No washed out lights or filled in darks. Multiple figure images can be used for artists wanting to work on figures.


- Sketchbook (white paper) or copy paper
- 2b pencil
- Erasers—one kneaded, one vinyl
- Markers—Copic or Sharpie, one black and one medium grey
- 9x12 Tracing paper
- Scissors
- Tape and/or glue
- Old magazines or newspapers with images you like

- Value Finder
- Substrates suitable for whatever medium you will be working with. Limit the size of your substrate to nothing larger than 12x12. Bring an additional substrate for making value charts.

- Bring your chosen drawing or painting supplies and your final reference(s).

- Misc tools for achieving a variety of mark making, such as palette knives, old brushes, stencils, etc. Be creative.

Skill Details:
All Skill Levels
Instructor Name:
Cheryl Magellen
Instructor Bio:
Ms. Magellen received a BA degree from Chico State University, studied at the Southern Oregon Art Academy, and continued her studies at the Scottsdale Artists? School, in Arizona.

She currently paints and teaches from her studio in Oregon and teams with galleries and artists online, creating communities and helping with promotions. She has been teaching art since 2009 in Oregon, California, Arizona and Nevada, and shown her work in National solo and group exhibitions.

Cheryl has been an active member of the Portrait Society of America (Cecelia Beaux), Oil Painters of America, American Impressionist Society, National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society, Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada, Southern Oregon Society of Artists, and American Women Artists. She works in oil, acrylic, pastel and charcoal mediums, and specializes in figurative work.


$ 150.00
4 Sessions