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541.773.1444        101 N. Central Ave. Medford, Oregon 97501
MON-FRI: 10-6 | SAT: 10-5 | SUN: Closed


Instructor: Lara Strazdas
Date: Saturdays, July 6 - 27, 2024.
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Central Art classroom
Max capacity: 8 students

Fee: $160 (4 sessions)

Registration required.

Hunter Moon Rising on Natural Wood Round


In this 4-week workshop we will prepare a natural wood round for acrylics. Then we will work in layers to create a beautiful wolf singing the song of his people to the Moon against a starry night sky. Who knows, Aurora may also be drawn to the Wolf’s song.

Read more about the instructor here



- Titanium White*

- Unbleached Titanium or Buff Titanium

- Burnt Sienna

- Raw Sienna

- Burnt Umber

- Yellow Ochre

- Payne’s Grey

- Ultramarine Blue

- Black Gesso (please get Gesso and not black paint. Gesso has tooth and will be the base  

  layer of our painting).


Brand does not matter so choose whichever one(s) you wish or already have. I recommend using heavy body and/or soft body paints. If you have or choose to use student-grade paints that is fine, but I do recommend getting the *Titanium White in professional grade as we will need a good opaque white and student-grade paints are more translucent than professional paints. I do not recommend using craft-grade paints.



I will be using Princeton Velvet Touch brushes. You do not have to use the same brand, but I recommend getting the same shapes and approximate sizes. I also recommend using soft(ish) synthetic brushes like Taklon or nylon or faux hair rather than hog or stiff synthetic as we will be doing blending and soft fur. Long or short handle is personal preference. Unfortunately brush sizes are arbitrary (except those like wash and mop brushes that are listed by inches) and differ between manufacturers and even within a manufacture’s brush lines. If you have brushes and are unsure if you have the right (approximate) size, please bring them and we can pick the ones that will work best.  If you are planning to purchase brushes for this project but want a different brand or Princeton line, we may need to do a little comparing on the first day of the workshop.


Princeton Velvetouch (short handle – series 3950)

- Wash ( ¾” or 1” – a large flat will also work)

- Mop ( ¾ “ Round or Oval)

- Angle Shader (3/8” -  medium)

- Filbert (#4 or #6 – Medium)

- Long Round (#2 or #4) – if you do not have a long round or cannot find it available in your                                                               preferred brand, you can use a # 2 or #4 (smallish) round brush.

- 10/0 Liner 


Other Tools:

- Palette (I recommend something with an airtight lid)

- 2 containers for water

- *Easel or Drawing board– easels are available, but if you have your own or a tabletop easel that you prefer, bring that, or you can work flat on a table if you prefer.

- Ball point pen (for transferring line art to wood).

- Low tack tape (Frog or other painter’s tape).


I will be supplying:

- Natural wood round* (sanded and sealed, with hanging hardware and bumpers)

            *Because the wood rounds are natural, there will be some variation in shape and size per round.

- Paper Towels

- Saral Transfer paper

- Line art

- Photo Reference**


*If you prefer to do this project on a different surface, please bring it with you.


**If you want to do a different subject, that is ok but please let me know in advance of the starting date of the workshop and send me a copy of the image.  If you are going to use the provided wood round but a different subject, choose a composition that will work well with a round/oval format.  If you need help creating line art, let me know ahead of time and I can help you or  create it for you. Bring a color and greyscale version of your image to work from.


REMINDER: Wear appropriate clothing or bring an art apron or smock. Acrylics do not come out of clothing easily.
Skill Details:
All Skill Levels
Instructor Name:
Lara Strazdas


$ 160.00
4 Sessions